Best practices-Use case scenarios and requirements (M1-M6)
Objectives: The main objectives of the first WP are to study the technological framework and use state-of-the-art technologies optimally; to describe the use case scenarios; to record requirements and user satisfaction indices.
Responsible Partner: e-Trikala
T1.1 Study of technological framework and optimal use of cutting technologies (i-Track)
T1.2 Scenarios and use cases (e-Trikala)
T1.3 Record of requirements and user satisfaction indicators (e-Trikala)
Specifications/ Architecture and Indicators of Quality (M6-M12)
Objectives: This WP delivers platform specifications and connection to user requirements, entity description, quality measurement indicators and how the latter are linked to evaluation requirements.
Responsible Partner: CERTH
T2.1 Platform Specifications and Link to User Requirements (i-Track)
T2.2 Ontology description and architecture-platforms (UNIWA)
T2.3 Quality Measurement Indicators and Link to Assessment Requirements (CERTH)
Smart infrastructures and mobile applications with privacy awareness (M10-M26)
Objectives: The main objective of this WP is to deliver Interconnected sensor and actuator electronics systems as well as applications for mobile and wearables.
Responsible Partner: University of West Attica
T3.1 Interconnected Electronic Sensor and Actuator Systems (i-Track)
T3.2 Protocols and Data Exchange Mechanisms (UNIWA)
T3.3 Mobile and wearable applications (UNIWA)
T3.4 Privacy Assurance and data integrity mechanisms (UNIWA)
Semantic representation of information and intelligent data management (M1-M30)
Objectives: The objectives of this WP are to design and develop semantic representation structures; to build reasoning and data integration algorithms in order to result in intelligent interpretation and decision making.
Responsible Partner: CERTH
T4.1 Design and Development of Semantic Representation Structures (UNIWA)
T4.2 Reasoning and data fusion algorithms (CERTH)
T4.3 Intelligent Interpretation and Decision Making (CERTH)
Platform completion and evaluation through pilot tests (M13-M30)
Objectives: During this WP, the final platform will be delivered and evaluated through pilot tests.
Responsible Partner: i-Track
T5.1 Programming Platform Integration and Defining Evaluation Framework (i-Track)
T5.2 Infrastructure of Cloud Computing for service support (UNIWA)
T5.3 Platform Completion and Preparation for Pilot Use (i-Track)
T5.4 Pilot use and evaluation (e-Trikala)